Additional information:

Flag Football

Boys League and Girls League play separately

5 on 5 up to 7 on 7 depending on age. Younger ages play with more players.

Ages K-2nd the parent coach will play quarterback

Ages 12+ will play 5 on 5 Olympic Rules 

Coaches are volunteer parents.

The field size for flag football is narrower than a standard football field - 70 x 30 yards.

Athletes will play on fields in the Skyline and Olympus boundaries.

Teams will represent and be divided by school with some exceptions based on numbers.

Games take place on Saturdays and practices are on week days which are selected by the coach. Teams can elect to practice once or twice a week.

The league will keep score at games and will record wins and losses. Every team will play a final championship game for the final game of the season.


One practice and one halftime performance/cheering at a football game per week.

Squads are led by a parent volunteer coach(es).

Cheer uniform included. Uniforms include an athletic tank top and shorts, a bow, and a pair of pom poms.

No vertical stunts allowed. Cheerleading in this league focuses on coordinated routines and dancing.

Practices and games on fields in the Skyline and Olympus boundaries.

Coaches can provide their own speaker or coaches can rent a speaker from the league for a refundable $100 fee which is returned to the coach if the speaker is returned in good condition at the end of the season.

Music in practice and at games must be age/family appropriate